September 6th - October 4TH 2021
The Knife Angel visit To Chelmsford Began as an Ambition of Keep It 100’s Founder, In 2019. She discovered It’s existence when wondering how to visually impact weapons carriers with a view to encouraging engagement with an attractive positive creative outlet as an alternative to criminality. Upon discovering The Knife Angels existence she set about bringing It to Essex - to get necessary conversations started. In November 2019 She Met With Chelmsford City Council - Because Chelmsfords Status A County Town Of Essex - And In Early 2020 Secured The Angel Visit To Essex as A gift To Keep It 100 from The British Ironworks team. In support of raising awareness of our mission In encouraging young people to engage in positive outlets as Part Of A Positive And Productive Lifestyle Away From Crime. We approached Chelmsford City Council to be host location due to its status as the county town of Essex.
Keep It 100 Youth CIC was formed on January 8Th 2020 based upon securing the visit and the construction of a statue from amnesty weapons collected was included as part of the organisations company formation mission statement.
“ As an individual whose life has been irreversibly impacted by unaddressed youth violence, I am passionate about highlighting the process of exploitation. A life lost or irreversibly destroyed by youth violence is the end of the story. If communities are more aware of youth violence, it will allow us to work together to create better community support for our young people. The route of exploitation is largely misunderstood. By raising awareness of the process in tandem with the effects of youth violence, we can reduce the lives lost and destroyed by youth violence by each playing our role in reducing the roots of perpetration. Securing the visit to Essex was only made possible by the kindness and fortitude of The British Ironworks Chairman Clive Knowles, and his team - I would encourage anyone who grasps the importance of this monument making a visit to their town or city, to contact The British Ironworks in the first instance. I have multiple complex difficulties due to my own experiences of youth violence, with commitment and focus you can make this happen for your own community. I hope this report encourages individuals to engage their community and make a visit happen. The Knife Angel is unparalleled in the opportunity it provides to facilitate conversations with every pocket of the community - from typically hard to engage young people to community leaders alike”
- Luisa Di Marco, Founder of Keep It 100.
The end of the Knife Angel’s time in Chelmsford was marked with a vigil to remember those lost to youth violence in our county. Victims, survivors and their families were invited to commemorate their loved ones alongside prominent community members.