Digital game design | Coding| Robotics
If you have a love of tech & spend a lot of time on digital outlets - perhaps it’s something you could build on to make money from. It’s a lucrative & rapidly expanding industry, and with some time investment into tech workshops, from the comfort of your own environment, exploring your potential can be easy & hassle free - a positive & productive way to take a break from browsing and gaming, with the possibility of turning your positive outlet into a form of security for your future.
We have included Southend Tech weekly Zoom meeting details, as a way to start networking within the tech community if it’s a pathway that interests you.
Click on link to be redirected to the tech skills website relevant to you
Essex Steamettes free Zoom workshops for girls age 9 upwards interested in all things tech creating - including coding, robotics & Raspberry Pi.
Gameswagon game design workshops. Various age groups. including advanced workshops for older teens who would like to create their game ready for industry standard product. They also do homeschooling workshops. These are payable courses - but particularly worth the investment if you aspire to having a game published.
Signals Art based in Colchester but providing online workshops covering various tech work. Free Zoom workshops for February include creating Digital Art with coding( Feb 15th ) and 3D Modelling using CAD ( Feb 16TH ) sign up via these links.
Southend coding meet ups - free weekly Zoom meetings on a Thursday for anyone interested in coding